Landscaping 2
Terms & Guarantee
Terms and Guarantee TERMS Customer hereby agrees to pay Wendland Landscape Services Inc. a 50% minimum down payment at the time of order and agrees to pay the entire balance due immediately upon completion unless other terms are noted on quote. This guarantee is...
Types of Fertilizer
First there are 2 big differences in types of fertilizers… Do you chose liquid or granular? We prefer granular fertilizer over liquid for the following reasons: Granular is easier to apply than a liquid for most homeowners, and while it may not have the instant green...

proper lawn care is the best medicine!
What does this mean? Fertilizer is not always the first step in getting a deep, lush, weed free, green lawn. Before you start with any fertilizer you need to check a few things first… Before your lawn is even installed make sure you have a good clean screened...
Caring for a Seeded Lawn
ESTABLISHING A NEW LAWN WATER! WATER! WATER! After seeding, water frequently but lightly to keep seed and soil damp. (NOT FLOODED!) This would be 2 to 3 times per day, for about 20 minutes per area depending on weather conditions. Continue this for about 10 to 14...
Care Instructions for Sod
Watering is a must when it comes to proper establishment of a sodded lawn! As soon as your sodded lawn has been installed, water immediately; applying approximately an inch of water. Continue to soak the sod at least once each day, depending on the weather, during...

Planting & Care Instructions for Trees
PLANTING INSTRUCTIONS Dig hole to the size that is specified by the sales staff. Make sure that the bottom is flat and of equal depth (not carrot shape or saucer like), leaving all back fill near the hole. If the tree is delivered, the tree will be set into the hole,...

Planting & Care Instructions for Shrubs
PLANTING INSTRUCTIONS Dig hole twice as wide as the size of the container. Soil level in pot should match soil level in planting area. Remove the plant from the pot. If the plant / soil does not readily pull out of the pot, cut the container away from the soil /...