Strengthen your turf and plants throughout the season with fertilizer and plant food!
In addition to giving your turf and plants the nutrients needed, fertilizer can help reduce common problems such as weed growth, dieses and insects.
Always read the product label prior to use
Spring Pre-Emergent Fertilizer with Crab Grass Control
13-0-0 + .10 Dimension, Biosolids
Covers approximately 12,500 sq ft
Pre-emergent fertilizer with crabgrass preventer is best to be applied in early spring. Fertilize as soon as the dormant grass is at least 50 percent green again.a
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Turf Builder Fertilizer
ProGreen Plus 25-0-4 35% EPEC 20% ORG
17% AmSu
A complete micronutrient package and ammonium sulfate with high sulfur which promotes excellent green up with a long lasting feeding
Environmentally responsible with lower potential for nutrient leaching, denitrification, runoff, or volatilization
Apply to existing lawns during any season
Covers approximately 12,500 sq ft
50 lb bag
Seed Starter Fertilizer with broad leaf weed control
21-22-4 Fertilizer with 0.08% MESOTRIONE® Herbicide
This unique combination of starter fertilizer and Mesotrione herbicide is ideal for use during turf establishment, renovation or overseeding to control selected grassy and broadleaf weeds while providing a high-quality starter fertilizer to promote seedling germination and rapid establishment. Ideal for use when seeding, sodding, sprigging, plugging, overseeding, or reseeding For use on Kentucky Bluegrass, Centipedegrass, tall fescue, fine fescue, and perennial ryegrass Covers approximately 9,500 sq ft This product is intended for professional use, please contact us for application info
40 lb bag
Seed Starter Fertilizer
PrimeraOne 12-12-12 25% XCU Avail® 42% Top Cut
Recommend applying time is when starting a newly seeded lawn
This product is a highly versatile premium mini-sized fertilizer that is ideal for the nutrient demands of top quality turf management. The precise balance of nutrients promotes a superior, sustained color response that produces the visual appeal turf professionals desire.
Covers approximately 12,000 sq ft
50 lb bag
MAXLAWN Natural Lawn Fertilizer 4-3-0 1.5% FE
MAXLAWN Natural Lawn Fertilizer is a nutrient-rich natural fertilizer for use on lawns, trees and shrubs, flower beds, roses, and gardens. The slow-release properties of MAXLAWN Natural Lawn Fertilizer provide consistent feeding for 8-10 weeks without excessive growth or burning. Apply anytime during the growing season to promote healthier soil and water retention.
Covers approximately 2,500 sq ft
36 lb bag
Please call for current pricing
Proven Winners Premium Continuous
Release Plant Food
For flowering plants This unique fertilizer feeds plants for up to six months with just one application. Simply shake the time-release pellets into the soil at planting (and then again mid-season for extra powerful growth), and enjoy beautiful flowers all season long!
Purple Cow All Purpose Fertilizer
Soluble Plant Food
All-natural and organic BioActive All-Purpose Fertilizer is a 4-6-4 granular fertilizer, perfect for any garden. It has been inoculated with specific mycorrhizal fungi that, when added to soil, may improve water and nutrient uptake by plants. All-Purpose Fertilizer is easy to use by either mixing in with your growing media or simply sprinkling on top and watering to work in, and can be used on vegetables, herbs, annual and perennial flowers, as well as in containers or indoor plants. This is a no-worry fertilizer, as it is made with OMRI Listed ingredients
$12.99 per 5lb bag
Product Labels

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